Komatsu Ltd. (hereafter “Komatsu”) (President and CEO: Hiroyuki Ogawa) is going to issue a “green bond”, an unsecured straight bond, through a public offering on the Japanese market. Green bonds are designed to raise funds for exclusive use in business which works to help solve environmental problems. This is Komatsu’s first “green bond” issuance.
Komatsu plans to use the proceeds from this green bond to research and develop, provide and disseminate its products, such as hybrid hydraulic excavators and electric construction equipment, which contribute to reducing CO2 emissions while in use. Additionally, its services which support fuel-economy machine operations by using KOMTRAX, for example, and its solutions, such as SMARTCONSTRUCTION centering on ICT-intensive models. Komatsu also plans to use them mainly in facilities and equipment which help reduce CO2 emissions in manufacturing and increase the ratio of renewable energy use.
Under the three-year mid-term management plan, “DANTOTSU Value - FORWARD Together for Sustainable Growth” to be completed in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2022, Komatsu is making efforts for sustainable growth through a positive cycle of improving earnings and solving ESG issues. In this management plan, Komatsu upholds ESG management targets of reducing CO2 emissions to 50% and increasing the ratio of using renewable energy to 50% of total energy use, both by 2030 from 2010. To this end, Komatsu supplies high-quality, high-performance products, services, and solutions, that are designed to reduce environmental impacts, particularly in relation to climate change, and enhance safety. With the proceeds from the green bond, Komatsu is going to further accelerate its efforts to help realize a decarbonized society.
While continuing its commitment to Quality and Reliability and working to maximize its corporate value, Komatsu is working to achieve safe, highly productive, smart and clean workplaces of the future and promote sustainable growth through a positive cycle of improving earnings and solving ESG issues, which is driven by growth strategies.
Outline of the green bond:
Komatsu will disclose other details after finalizing the arrangement.
Obtainment of second-party opinion concerning eligibility against green bond *¹
For the issuance of its green bond, Komatsu has formulated a Komatsu Green Bond Framework which specifies Komatsu’s policy concerning the four core components (1. Use of proceeds, 2. Process of project evaluation and selection, 3. Management of proceeds, and 4. Reporting), which are defined in the 2018 Green Bond Principles of the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) and Green Bond Guidelines 2020 of Japan’s Ministry of the Environment.
With respect to eligibility against the 2018 Green Bond Principles and the Green Bond Guidelines, 2020, Komatsu has obtained a second-party opinion from DNV GL BUSINESS ASSURANCE JAPAN K.K. (hereafter “DNV GL”), an internationally recognized third-party organization with expertise in this field.
The cost of obtaining an independent assessment related to the green bond is subsidized by Japan’s Ministry of the Environment in its 2020 assistance project to promote the issuance of green bonds.
*²This organization supports the issuance of green bonds by giving advice regarding the formulation of green bond frameworks and on obtaining second-party opinions.
(The information described is at the time of presentation and may be subject to advance notice).