Come and see Jamie Whincup with Komatsu
Australian V8 Supercar champion Jamie Whincup will be a star attraction on Komatsu Australia’s ACE (Australian Construction Expo) stand during the third day of the show on Saturday February 23.
ACE will be held at Melbourne's Sandown Racecourse from Thursday February 21 to Saturday February 23.
Whincup will be on the Komatsu stand (Stand B03) throughout the day (which is also the show's
Family Day), talking to fans, signing autographs, and discussing his racing career.
"Throughout the three days of ACE, we will feature a full line-up of equipment, including excavators,
backhoes, skidsteers, wheel loaders, dozers and graders," said Tim Greenham, Komatsu Australia's
Victorian manager.
"We will also be participating fully in the special ACE program, including the customers' 'Make a Deal'
day, when Komatsu sales representatives will have their pencils sharpened to offer some very attractive
deals," he said.
A major feature of the stand will be the Komatsu Hybrid excavator which was introduced in Australia
in 2011.
The HB205-1 and HB215LC-1 hybrid excavators utilise regeneration of electrical power, engine assist
for power on demand, ultra-low engine idle and a smaller engine to enable an average fuel
consumption reduction of 25% when compared to the conventional equivalent Komatsu excavator,
with up to a 40% reduction achievable depending on application.
Komatsu equipment on display will include: PC55MR-3 mini excavator, PW98MR-8 wheel excavator,
PC88MR-8 short-tail excavator, PC270-8 excavator and an HB215LC-1 Hybrid excavator, WB97R-5EO
backhoe/loader, SK820-5SF skidsteer, WA320PZ-6 toolcarrier loader, D39EX-22 dozer and a GD555-5
grader, along with two machines equipped with Topcon machine control systems, a GD655-5 grader
and a D51EX-22 dozer.