On the 15th 17th April, 2016, the Penrith Panther's Club will host the Diesel, Dirt & Turf Expo.
The Diesel, Dirt & Turf Expo will transform the pavilion and grounds into an exciting display of many of the world's major equipment brands.
Admission to the Diesel, Dirt & Turf is free and open to all attendees. Komatsu would like to extend this invitation to all Komatsu customers.
Komatsu will have a range of equipment on display including; PC18MR-3, PC30MR-3, PC35MR-3, PC45MR-3, PC55MR-3, PC88MR-8, WA70-7, WB97R-5E0, D61EX-I and the PC138US-8.
This will be an exciting three day family-friendly event you will not want to miss!
Visit Komatsu at Stand No. 76!
We look forward to seeing you there.