Komatsu has a zero tolerance for workplace fraud and unethical conduct.
Types of misconduct:
Theft – includes theft of a physical item such as inventory, plant & equipment and tools.
Fraud – includes kickbacks, falsification of invoices, theft of cash, abuse of company credit card, theft of electronic or hard copy information, and theft of time (abuse of attendance records/clock).
Harassment / Bullying – includes intimidation, threats and abuse in the workplace.
Discrimination – includes discrimination on the basis of race, colour, gender, age, religion and any other form of discrimination.
Safety & Environment – includes hazards not being addressed and incidents not being reported.
Unethical or other forms of Unacceptable Conduct – includes employees running a business in competition with Komatsu, wilful damage to company property, utilising company resources for private purposes without approval and any other breach of legislation or company policy.
Reporting an incident:
At Komatsu, we believe that making the company aware of any breaches (whistleblowing) is an appropriate means of protecting Komatsu and its employees.
Stopline is a service that has been established by Komatsu for use by staff members, contractors and other stakeholders to report whistleblowing. You may remain anonymous if you wish.
Whistleblower policy:
Click here for the Whistleblower Policy