Despite the volcanic ash travel crisis, which severely disrupted airline travel throughout Europe before and during Bauma 2010 in late April, the show remained a busy and vibrant event, with Komatsu's stand being one of the largest at the exhibition.

12052010OnceAgainKomatsuHasAMajorPresenceAtBauma_1-(1).jpgThe travel crisis resulted in the cancellation of a number of Australian tours to the exhibition including the Komatsu Australia group.

In fact, your scribe may have been one of the very few Australians at the show having endured a 30 hour bus trip from Madrid to get to Munich!

The Komatsu stand was notable for a number of new releases, and plenty of activity from visitors throughout the week.

Komatsu's Bauma stand also saw the first viewing of the PC200-8 Hybrid excavator in Europe, a machine that attracted a lot of attention.

This machine, which is now on sale in Japan and in China (where more than 1000 units have been sold) and more recently the US, is living up to its promise of lower operating costs with owners finding the payback period (the upfront cost is higher than a conventional excavator) is relatively quick due to the 40% savings in fuel costs.

Other highlights of the Komatsu stand released at Bauma included:

Komatsu's smallest toolcarrier loader, the hydrostatic drive WA150PZ-6 A "Stone Handler" variant of the WA500-6 loaderThe new D65EX/WX/PX-16 dozer.


Applications range from earthmoving and bulk material handling, through to pallet loading, waste handling and log lifting.

The machine features an adjustable traction control system, which gives traction at all times, as well as eliminating tyre slip for longer tyre life.

Maintenance is simplified through a wide-core radiator with automatic reversible fan for faster cleaning in dusty conditions. The machine is fitted with Komtrax satellite machine management system.

WA500-6 "Stone Handler" loader

The WA500-6 "Stone Handler" loader, designed for the block stone quarry market is a 37-tonne machine replacing the proven WA500-3 Stone Handler and features a reinforced frame and an optional axle oil cooling system.

It can move 27 tonne blocks up to a maximum height of 1.5 m, while an articulation angle of 40 to both sides the widest in its class ensures excellent manoeuvrability, essential in a tight quarry work environment.

D65EX/PX-16 dozer

This 21 tonne machine is available in three configurations.

It includes a new full-size cab (the same size as on larger mining dozers), an improved power train with automatic gearshift transmission and a fully automatic lock-up torque converter. It also retains many of the innovative features of the Komatsu D155AX-6 dozer.

Automatic gearshift transmission and a full automatic lock-up torque converter are the key to the machine's overall improved performance.

Power train components are sealed in a modular design that allows them to be removed and installed without oil spillage, making servicing work clean, smooth and easy.

The D65EX-16 was launched and delivered into the Australian market early 2010 with strong customer acceptance.