Komatsu has integrated its Condition Monitoring Services (CMS) suite of oil analysis and other laboratory-based analysis, testing and evaluation services into its myKomatsu ( online customer portal.
Formerly, the online presence for Komatsu CMS was on a standalone website.
Stephen Clarke, Komatsu’s National Manager - Condition Monitoring, said the integration of CMS into myKomatsu provides a more user-friendly and intuitive way of dealing with Komatsu.
“Importantly, it provides a single login that gives access not only to Komatsu CMS, but also ordering and managing the delivery of parts, consumables, components and other Komatsu products and services – a major step forward in customers’ ease of doing business with us.
“The increased functionality available through the integration of Komatsu CMS within myKomatsu means the whole process of managing oil sampling will be faster, more efficient, less prone to human error and easier to use.
“And it lets customers see condition monitoring records for their entire fleet at a glance.
“It also allows them to generate custom reports that extract the data and information they need, to run their equipment more efficiently, productively, reliably and safely.”
Another key benefit of Komatsu CMS’s integration into myKomatsu lets customers use barcoded sample cards to capture machine-specific data, making the actual process of filling out sample cards easier, quicker, more efficient and less prone to error.
“These barcoded sample cards mean that customers now just need to enter machine hours when submitting a sample; everything else has been pre-captured,” he said.
“This offers significant customer benefits, including far less handling and form-filling, eliminates the need to keep providing duplicate information, reduces room for error when dealing with multiple machines, and means we are consistently recording all pre-existing machine data.
“If a sample report indicates there is a critical issue, or action is required, customers are always notified immediately, through their preferred method of contact. And now we can make the results immediately available on the myKomatsu portal so they can securely login and see their detailed results on desktop, mobile or tablet,” said Clarke.

“This means that customers will be able to see their results, and any recommended actions almost instantaneously, allowing them to quickly deal with any issues that may be flagged or that they may be concerned about.
“In addition, a self-managed reports function, including customised views and scheduled report downloads, provides customers with what they need to know,” he said.
Clarke said that Komatsu CMS is recognised in the industry as having one of the fastest turnaround times of processing samples once they had been received by the lab, as well as for the quality of its results and analysis.
“Our aim is to turn around an oil analysis sample within 24 hours of it being received in any of our labs, and we are consistently achieving this in over 98% of samples we process.”
With the integration of Komatsu CMS results into myKomatsu, the company is also able to provide significantly more detailed information, reports and trends analysis.
“Previously, some of the data we’ve been collecting we haven’t been able to share with customers, but now we’re able to provide a lot more.
“This includes what we call ‘filtergrams’, which are similar to oil sample reports, but with images attached of what our technicians are seeing under the microscope,” said Clarke.
“This really complements what we are providing in our standard reports, and helps our customers to gain a far more detailed understanding of what’s happening in their machines.”
And it’s not just owners of Komatsu equipment who can benefit from this expanded myKomatsu functionality.

Clarke said that Komatsu CMS provided oil analysis and other services to owners of non-Komatsu earthmoving and mining equipment, as well as to industry sectors outside of construction and mining, including road transport, the marine industry, industrial machinery and many others.
“Komatsu CMS is widely used by owners of non-Komatsu plant and machinery because of the location of our laboratories, our fast turnaround times, and the quality of our analyses,” he said.
According to Todd Connolly, Komatsu’s General Manager - Construction Solutions, the integration of Komatsu CMS into myKomatsu represents the latest development in the company’s continuing drive to ensure it’s easy to do business with.
“This integration has been very much customer-driven, based on feedback from our customers who are asking us for additional features that allow them to conduct more of their day-to-day business with us online.
“It represents a significant expansion of our online interactions with customers, because it’s giving them a single login point to transact with Komatsu, whether it’s buying parts, seeing the progress of orders, and now being able to see in-depth condition reports on their entire fleet.
“It’s all about ensuring we are easier to do business with. Our customers can come to a single website, using a single login and password, giving them more visibility of their fleet to ensure machine health and drive productivity,” Connolly said.
Komatsu CMS laboratories are located in Brisbane, Newcastle and Perth and provide condition monitoring services for Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and New Caledonia.
In addition to oil analysis, other analysis and testing services provided by Komatsu CMS cover fuel, wastewater, coolant, lubricants and greases, along with vibration analysis and metallurgical testing.
For more information contact:
Maree Cavanagh
Marketing Manager Australasia
Komatsu Mining Corp. Group
95 Mustang Drive
Rutherford, NSW 2320
Ph +61 2 4015 5244